Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pre-School to Prep School

Noah has graduated from Mustardseed Preschool and is now getting ready to begin his first year in elementary school at Trinity Elementary. Wow...we are proud of Noah. He has such a bright smile and a loving heart. This year has been the year that Noah found his voice. Well, with Parisa at school 5 days a week it gave Noah a little more time to get his thoughts out. I love your thoughts No-Bo. 

Locks of Love

Parisa had her very long, beautiful hair cut and donated the 10+ inches to the locks of Love foundation. I am so proud of her. 

The year has come to an end at Trinity Elementary for Parisa. Hard to believe the 2007-2008 school year is finished. Parisa was blessed with a great Kindergarten teacher. Her name is Mrs. Tracy Eckert and we adore her. These photos were taken at the Kindergarten Celebration and the entire class wore these great shades. Parisa has had a great year and we are so proud of her. She is now reading, writing, doing math, and telling us all how to do everything! She took gymnastics this year and really enjoyed it.